Tinta base água, é viável?
The paint industry for various applications has shown a great development in Brazil and around the world, including graphic in the market, which includes interruptions and innovations that come after long years, undergoing strong transformations, especially in the supply chain, which has as its flagship Industry, printing inks. As a result, the increasing application of industry-related technology 4.0 requires deep and constant upgrades across the industry, particularly in machines and equipment adapted to today's world, as well as the interests of the entire industrial cluster for innovations in line with technology such as smart printing and IOT (IoT). In the printing industry or in the use of inks, there is a direct formation of the printed image, everything that it visualizes, or what contains the symbols, information and obviously. Although we know that the world is increasingly digital, yet the impression it remains absolute following the course as transformations and currently with application on various substrates. Therefore, through applied research with segments, companies, employees and entrepreneurs in the sector, an idea of this work is to broaden as discussions about the use of water-based paint applied in plastic films as a trend in the flexible packaging market.