Operational evaluation of the RSP 2.0 CITO solution in Offset Printers for cutting and binding and dry relief in bag production

  • Marcelo Aparecido Sartori Faculdade SENAI-SP Campus Theobaldo De Nigris
  • Rodrigo Venturini Soares Faculdade SENAI-SP Campus Theobaldo De Nigris
Keywords: Prepress, Offset printing, RSP 2.0 system, Post printing


The purpose of this article was to report the methodology of the tests carried out in the offset printing workshop, in which the offset printer model SX 74 Heidelberg was used, with the installation of the RSP 2.0 solution in the varnish unit of this printer. The test carried out consisted of producing a bag model with 4 colors in offset printing and dry relief, seeking representation as to the level of difficulty to produce this product in the graphic market. Faced with a need for printers operating in the segment, Profili, a partner company of the Faculty of Technology SENAI Theobaldo De Nigris, was technically assisted by specialists in the areas of prepress, offset printing and post-printing, with the company being served with the school's graphic production equipment to improve the techniques for using the RSP 2.0 system. In theoretical references, the specificities of the RSP 2.0 system were addressed and later these concepts corroborated for methodological understanding. The test started with the creation of the file and preparation of the form of printing performed in the prepress; the production flow continued in the offset printing of the 4 colors and sequentially, on the offset printer with the RSP 2.0 system installed, the application of dry relief and then the application of cutting and crease on the paper printed with the bag art; and in post-printing, the bag was assembled and finished manually. Above all, it was in the offset printing stage with the RSP 2.0 system, in which greater emphasis was placed on data and information, due to the interventions carried out to optimize the production flow proposed by the technological implement. The test result was satisfactory, the bag being produced on the offset printer, applying the dry relief on the back and then the crease cut, both using the RSP 2.0 system, at a speed of 8000 iph (prints per hour) with efficiency and machine stability
