Semana de Tecnologia Gráfica
A Faculdade de Tecnologia SENAI “Theobaldo De Nigris” realizou no período de 01 a 03/12/20, de forma online, a Semana de Tecnologia Gráfica.
Read more about Semana de Tecnologia GráficaA Faculdade de Tecnologia SENAI “Theobaldo De Nigris” realizou no período de 01 a 03/12/20, de forma online, a Semana de Tecnologia Gráfica.
Read More Read more about Semana de Tecnologia GráficaIt is with great pleasure that we present the third edition of the Theobaldo De Nigris Scientific Journal, which features unpublished theoretical and experimental articles produced by undergraduate and graduate students at SENAI-SP Theobaldo de Nigris-Mooca campus, under the guidance of our renowned professors.
We believe that this journal is an excellent opportunity to share knowledge and innovations in the graphic and editorial segment, as well as to disseminate the results of research promoted by our educational institution for the constant improvement of social and economic development in Brazil. As the mission of SENAI-SP, we seek to promote professional and technological education, innovation and the transfer of industrial technologies, contributing to the competitiveness of Brazilian industry. Thus, our goal is to maintain a constant dialogue between the academic community and industry, so that we can share the best practices and advances that can bring benefits to society as a whole.
In this edition, we address relevant topics such as management, education, packaging, document preservation, and inclusion. We hope that the articles published here can contribute to the dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge and thus collaborate in the development of the country.
We thank all the authors and advisors involved in this edition and wish everyone a good reading!"
A Revista Eletrônica utiliza o Open Journal Systems (OJS), uma ferramenta de gestão e publicação de revistas eletrônicas. O OJS utilizado pelo Portal foi traduzido e customizado pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT), baseado no software Open Journal Systems (OJS), desenvolvido pelo Public Knowledge Project (PKP).
Revista Eletrônica Theobaldo De Nigris - ISSN Eletrônico: 2764-4375
A Revista Científica faz parte do programa de iniciação científica da Faculdade SENAI-SP - Campus Theobaldo De Nigris - Mooca. Rua Bresser, 2315 - Mooca - São Paulo - SP. Conheça nossa faculdade, acesse: